
Educational Toys for Kids

Tools used

Figma, WordPress, Woocommerce , Photoshop

Project: Edge-U-Kid Website and Social Media Integration

Client Overview

Edge-U-Kid, a leading provider of educational toys for kids, partnered with us to not only revamp their website but also enhance their social media presence. Their vision was to create a seamless online experience for parents and educators looking for innovative learning tools.

Project Scope

Our primary goal was to design and develop an interactive website that showcased Edge-U-Kid's extensive range of educational toys while integrating social media platforms for increased engagement and brand exposure.

Additional Features
  • Live Chat Support
  • Product Reviews and Ratings
  • Newsletter Subscription

Design Principles

Vibrant and Child-Friendly Aesthetics: We incorporated lively colors and engaging visuals to create an inviting online environment that resonates with both kids and parents.

Intuitive Navigation: User experience was a priority. We ensured that visitors could easily explore and locate the ideal educational toys for their needs.

Seamless Social Media Integration: We seamlessly integrated Edge-U-Kid's social media profiles, allowing for consistent and interactive communication with their audience.

Mobile-First Design: Prioritizing mobile accessibility, we designed the website to provide an optimal experience for users on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Event Bookings

Implemented a user-friendly event booking system to facilitate workshops, seminars, and other educational events hosted by Edge-U-Kid.

PDF Receipt for Purchase

Provided customers with a convenient PDF receipt upon completing a purchase, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

Content Management

Created an easy-to-use backend for hassle-free content updates and additions, ensuring that the website stays current and informative.

Contact Form

Implemented a user-friendly contact form to facilitate direct communication between Edge-U-Kid and their customers.

Wishlist Functionality

Enabled users to create and manage wish lists, enhancing their shopping experience and allowing them to save items for future consideration.

Payment Integration (Stripe)

Integrated a secure payment gateway, allowing customers to make purchases easily and with confidence.

Interested? Let's get in touch!

Should our services pique your interest and you desire further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at your convenience. We eagerly await the opportunity to provide you with a free consultation !
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